Authors & Books Index
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(Alphabetical Index of authors.
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 Corleto, Manuel
Guatemala, February 23rd, 1944. Has a long literary trajectory in Guatemala. The most of his books had been published in Spanish in collections. Theater: —El canto de Gregorio, Algo más de treinta años después, El animal vertical, Los Dogo$, (Guatemala: Volumen 1, Dirección General de Cultura y Bellas Artes); ¿Quién va a morderse los codos?, Lluvia de vincapervincas, Vade retro, El día que a mí me maten (Guatemala: Volumen 2, Dirección General de Cultura y Bellas Artes, 1979); El tren, Opus uno, Opus dos, Dios es zurdo, Ellos y... Judas (Guatemala: Volumen 3, Dirección General de Cultura y Bellas Artes, 1994); La Profecía, Edición del Autor, 1989)—. And five edited novels: —Bajo la fuente (Guatemala: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, 1a. edición1987 y 2a. edición 1994); Se acabó el tiempo (Guatemala: Artemis Edinter, 1992); Malasuerte murió en Pavón (Guatemala Artemis Edinter, 1992); A fuerza de llorar tanto (Guatemala: Oscar de León Palacios, 1994); y Con cada gota de sangre de la herida (Panamá: Universidad Tecnológica)—.
His first novel in English translated by Michael B. Miller, With Every Drop of Blood fom the Wound has been published by iUniverse (Dec.2003). Conspirations, was writen in 2002 as an homage to the dead of 9-11-2003 terrorist atacks.

Miller, Michael B.
Former professor of Spanish and Latin American Literatures at Gallaudet University, Washington, D. C., (1968-2001), published translator of Latin American fiction with Curbstone Press. Studied in Spain and Mexico, travels and conferences throughout Central America (1994-1999), with month-long stays in El Salvador (1996-1997) for research and writing. Memberships: PEN AMERICA, ALTA (American Literary Translators Association), ATA (American Translators Association), WIW (Washington Independent Writers). Love and Heartache in Gringolandia is his first short fiction publication. He lives in Virginia and is currently at work on a historical novel about a Mayan revolutionary in 8th century Tikal, titled Place Where The Trees Talk. Published Translations of Latin American Fiction: A Place Called Milagro de la Paz. Original in Spanish: Milagro de la Paz (1994), a novel by one of Central America's most important writers, Manlio Argueta of El Salvador. (Curbstone Press, 2000). The Word in Exile (El Exilio de la Palabra) in PEN International's Anthology of Latin American Women in Translation: Conditional Liberty (Latin American PEN Foundation: La Luciérnaga Editores, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2000). Act One of a play in dialogue by Cristina Gutiérrez Richaud of Guadalajara, Mexico. Children's Literature (EVEREST PUBLISHERS, La Coruña, Spain). TINKA (October 2000). THE JOURNEY OF LITTLE WIND (October 2000). THE CAT WHO WANTED TO FLY HIGH (March 2001). With Every Drop of Blood from the Wound (Con cada gota de sangre de la herida), novel by Manuel Corleto (Guatemalan Literature), 1996 "Rogelio Sinán" Prize of Panama for Central American Literature. (iUniverse 2003). Pending Publications: Margarita, How Beautiful The Sea (Margarita, está linda la mar) by Sergio Ramírez (Nicaragua), co-winner of the 1998 Alfaguara International Prize for Literature (Spain). Woman With Short Hair And Great Legs (Mujer de cabellos cortos y buenas piernas) by Cristina Gutiérrez Richaud (Guadalajara, Mexico). Heart of Jade (Amor de Jade) by Walter Raudales (El Salvador). Scheduled for publication November 2004 by Four Walls Eight Windows Press: AMALUR: FROM THE ATOM TO THE MIND by Juan Luis Arsuaga and Ignacio Martínez (Spain).

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